sábado, 30 de mayo de 2020


Todos los alumnos de 3ESO que no tienen que ir a la recuperación final han recibido sus calificaciones en su dirección de correo electrónico.

Os he enviado, además, un formulario para que valoréis mi trabajo.

Muchas Gracias

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Work for week 25/5. Watch out: early due date!

This is our last week of activities in the ordinary period.

Aren´t you happy???

I am waiting to receive instructions regarding the extraordinary period, so keep an eye on our blog.

This week you will have to do 2 things:

1. Activities 2-6 of unit 2. Hispanic Monarchy

2. Take a Kahoot about unit 2
Game PIN: 01876296 He cerrado este para ir pasando las últimas notas : ) juega en este otro

Game PIN: 08473002 

Please turn them in before Thursday 28 May 12:00 pm. 

Solo para despistados que no han hecho kahoots anteriores:
Os envio un aviso a vuestro correo electrónico si tenéis algún kahoot sin hacer.
Tienen que estar hechos antes del miércoles 27 a las 12:00 pm.

-Unit 1. The start of the Modern Age Game PIN: 05813722
-Reformation and Counter-Reformation Game PIN: 03885066
-Humanism and Renaissance in Italy Game PIN: 0983470

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020


Estimad@s alumn@s de la asignatura de Geography and History 3 ESO

Os hago llegar este mensaje para informaros de cuestiones muy importantes para los alumnos que hayan suspendido la primera y/o la segunda evaluación.

1. Como sabéis, aquellos que al acabar la tercera evaluación no tengan una nota media del curso superior al 5 tendrán dos nuevas oportunidades para aprobar.

- La primera oportunidad es la recuperación final, en la que os examinaréis de los contenidos de las evaluaciones que hayáis suspendido. Dicho examen de recuperación final tendrá lugar el lunes día 1 de junio de 11:30 a 12:20

Los que hayáis suspendido evaluaciones anteriores tendréis que ir estudiando ya para poder estar preparados (es difícil que superéis la asignatura aunque tengáis una buena nota en 3ª evaluación si vuestras notas de la 1ª y la 2ª eran muy bajas, haced vuestros cálculos o escribidme). De cualquier forma yo os comunicaré lo antes posible tanto el resultado de la 3ª evaluación como vuestra nota media de curso.

- La segunda oportunidad será la evaluación extraordinaria, cuya fecha exacta aún no se ha fijado, pero que se realizará probablemente durante la semana del 8-12 de junio. Los que acudáis a este examen por no haber superado el de recuperación final os tendréis que examinar de todos los contenidos del curso.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Work for week 18/5

We are starting unit 2. The start of the Modern Age in Spain and America

Activities for this week: 1.1-1.4

They must be sent to me before Friday 22 at 12:00 pm

Unit 2. The start of the Modern Age in Spain and America

 Introduction to the unit.

We already studied some general features of the Modern Age for the whole of Europe in Unit 1. Now we are going to study events and processes that took place in the Iberian Peninsula.

During this period we are studying the Hispanic Monarchy is going to become very strong and rich; in fact it is going to have the hegemony over the whole of Europe. 

The Catholic Monarchs are going to be the first monarchs who achieve the authoritarian monarchy. Their heirs, Charles I and Phillip II will continue reigning all throughout the 16th c.

During this period the areas that the Hispanic Monarchy controls in America are going to be increased by the conquests of huge areas in that continent. The Spanish monarchs are going to create different institutions to be able to control de territories in America. 

It is also the time of the Renaissance, which has already been spread from Italy. We can speak of a golden age in culture and art. 


1. The reign of the Catholic Monarchs

The Catholic Monarchs are going to develop different domestic and foreign policies in order to be able to gain more power
My advice is that you first read point 1 of your book.
Then you can listen to this audio.

Remember, the Iberian Peninsula was composed of several Christian kingdoms and the Muslim Nasrid K. of Granada

The Catholic Monarchs will reign in the last quarter of the 15th c. starting with the authoritarian monarchy

The successor of the Catholic Monarchs (grandson) was finally Charles I, who reigned from 1516 until 1556

The son of Charles I was the king of the Hispanic Monarchy from 1556 until 1598


1.1 Make a time-line with the different monarchs of Spain in this period (landscape mode)

1.2 Make a mind-map of point 1 of your book incorporating only key words and dates.

1.3 Write an expository text about the reign of the Catholic Monarchs (remember structure: introduction, body with different paragraphs for every main idea, conclusion)

1.4 Describe the map "Foreign policy: expansion into Africa, the Atlantic and Europe" in page 37. Remember: refer to the title, geographical space, time, legend.

The Hispanic Monarchy

- Read point 2 of unit 2

- Listen to this audio while looking at the mind-map

2. Copy this mind-map in your notebook

3. Why was it necessary for the kings of the 16th c. to incorporate the figures of secretaries, councils and viceroys?

4. Answer to the following questions regarding the map in page 39.
  • a. Which color are the territories belonging to Charles I?
  • b. Did Philip II incorporate Hungary?
  • c. Did Philip II incorporate Flanders?
  • d. Who did Philip II inherit the Crown of Castilla from?
  • e. Did Philip II receive Algiers?
  • f. Did Charles I have any rights over América?
  • g. Did Charles I have any rights over Portugal?
  • h. Why did Charles I and Philip II have rights over the kingdom of Naples?
  • i. Try to remember where and where M. Luther started Protestantism. Did it occur in any of the territories belonging to these monarchs (Charles I and jPhilip II)?

5. Read in your text-book (point 2) and find out if Charles I and Philip II had a fixed court (corte fija o estable; si tenían una residencia fija desde la que gobernaban o si cambiaban de residencia constantemente)

6. Write a short biography of both Hispanic monarchs of the 16th c. Try to find out which was the main obsession/problem of each one of them. (Do not copy literally from the Internet or books)

Philip the Handsome (Felipe el Hermoso). Was he handsome or not?

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Work for week 11-14 May

Have you already gone out for a walk?? : )

3  Activities for the week that must be turned in before Thursday 14th at 12:00 pm.

1. Turn in homework about Renaissance art in Italy (act. 12)

2. Take a kahoot about Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Pin: 09648361     04469191

3. Take a kahoot about Humanism and Renaissance in Italy (architecture, sculpture and painting). Pin: 05532550     0753456

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

Work for 2 weeks 4-14 May

Hello wonderful students,

We are ready for sculpture and painting in the Renaissance in Italy.

I am giving you work for two weeks. I know these things about art take time. Please don´t leave it for the last moment. You will probably need to listen to the audios several times to fully understand.
I hope you enjoy it.

Please do activity 12 of unit 1 (already published in our blog) and send it to me before May 14

The following week you will have to do some sort of Kahoot or Google Forms test about Renaissance in Italy (architecture, sculpture and painting in Italy). Please email me with any questions you may have.

You will also be taking a Kahoot on Reformation and Humanism so make sure you have it all clear.

Examen extraordinario Geography and History 3ESO D

Fecha: 22 de junio 2020 Conéctate para comprobar que todo funciona y recibir instrucciones: 8:25 Examen: 8:30-10:00 Característic...