domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

New assessment criteria for Geography and History ESO / Nuevos criterios de evaluación y calificación para Geografía e HistoriaESO

A continuación os comunico cuáles van a ser los nuevos criterios de calificación y evaluación para nuestra asignatura.

Todas estas modificaciones se han hecho para tener en cuenta la peculiar situación de esta tercera evaluación del curso 1919-2020 y en consonancia con las indicaciones recibidas de la Consejería de Educación de Madrid.

Audio con aclaraciones

Work for week April 27th- 1st May The Renaissance in Italy and architecture

This week we are continuing with unit 1 the Renaissance in Italy (I) and architecture.

I also want to let you know about the new assessment criteria for Geography and History.

1. Here you are an explanation about point 8 of your book. You have already worked in an introduction in the past week. The Renaissance in Italy and architecture.

It is very important that you take a look at the pictures and legends I publish here. They will help you understand what you are hearing.

Take notes while you listen to the audio (don´t be lazy and listen to it as many times as necessary)

Do activity 11: already published in unit 1 and send it to me before Friday 1 May

You need to know and learn the concepts and names and periods of works of art published here.

Linear perspective. 
Method used to create the sense of depth by making lines converge in the vanishing point.

Vitruvian man. Leonardo da Vinci. Human proportions are used to make things beautiful and harmonious.

The ideal proportions of a human figure: the height of a person equals the measure of 8 heads.

5. Here you are an explanation about point 8.2 Architecture and its periods.

Between 1420-1426 Brunelleschi added the huge dome (cúpula) to the gothic cathedral of Florence.  Quattrocento (15th c.)

Rucellai Palace by Alberti. Quatrocento (15th c.) Doric, Ionic and Corinthian pilasters are used in different floors. It aims beauty by bringing a harmonious and proportionate structure.

These are the architectural orders followed by the ancient Greeks. They are going to be an inspiration for Renaissance architects. Doric, Ionic, Corinthian. Greeks used them separately but Renaissance architects are going to incorporate the three of them to the same building in different floors.
The human proportions are used to design the height of each floor of the Palazzo Rucellai. Round drawings on the right represent a human head.

San Pietro in Montorio by Bramante, Cinquecento (16th c.) It has a circular and centralised plan and Doric columns. It also holds a dome.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Work for week 20-24 April. Humanism and the Renaissance

Hi everyone!

Here you are work for this week. Please send activities to me before Saturday 25th April.

We are continuing with unit 1. We are going to work on an intellectual movement that took place at the beginning of the Modern Age: Humanism. After that you will start working on the artistic movement that arose in that period and which was directly affected by the ideas of Humanism.

Please email me with any questions : )

I´m sending you all my best thoughts and wishes.

1. Here you are a cutre-audio related to point 7. Humanism. The new vision of mankind

2. After listening to it you must do activity 10 (already published in post of unit 1)

3. You should also do this activity which is an important introduction to the ideas of the Renaissance in Italy. You can work in drive and share your work with me or you can handwrite it if its more convenient to you.

Only for those of you who didn´t make last week kahoot:

I will send you an individual code to take kahoot only if you send me the activities 1-8 (unit 1)

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Activities for week 14-17 of April

Hello everyone!

Come on. We´re back to work after this short vacation. You are doing great learning to organise yourselves!! If you haven´t been able to do so, please make yourself a schedule for every week. Make sure you visit every "class" to find out if you were assigned new work.

3 news for this week

1. Here you are some cutre-audios to help you out with the activities you already worked on: U1 act. 5-8

Solutions to activities 5-8

After you have completed corrections in your notebook...

2. You need to make a kahoot about points 1-5 of your textbook and about the project of the discovery.

-Kahoot exercise must be completed before Wednesday 15th 7:00 pm.
-This is your pin 08100592
-You must identify yourselves with a nickname following this instructions: Your nickname will be as follows: (two first letters of your first name)+(two last letters of your last name)
My nickname would be: "panz".

-You can either download the application on your mobile phone or play in your web browser: https//

- If you are using your phone, make sure it has full batteries.

Got it??

You will get a grade for this exercise, so don´t forget to do it on time.

3. After finishing 1 and 2 you can listen to this cutre-audios about point 6 of your book: Change and religious conflicts. Reformation and Counter-Reformation.

After listening to it you must make act. 9 in your notebook (already published in the post of unit 1)

Have a wonderful week!

jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Felices vacaciones de Semana Santa

Querid@s alumn@s,

Espero que tod@s sigáis bien y que sepáis encontrar cosas hermosas en medio de estos días tan extraños que estamos viviendo.

Atenderé vuestras dudas cuando termine nuestro merecido descanso.

Muchísimos besos,

La profe.

Aviso importante para el alumnado de Geography and History 3ESO

Como aún no sabemos cuándo volveremos clase, el Departamento de Geografía e Historia del IES Luis García Berlanga está estudiando la posibilidad de hacer un cambio en los criterios de calificación de la asignatura para la tercera evaluación para dar más peso a la entrega de las actividades que aquella que figuraba en vuestras programaciones de inicio de curso.

Por ello os animamos a que os pongáis al día durante las vacaciones de Semana Santa terminando y entregando todas las actividades en la forma en la que os las haya pedido vuestro profesor.

Para evitar que se vayan acumulando temas, es probable también que empecemos a haceros exámenes online a través de aplicaciones como Kahoot (convendría que os la fuerais descargando), así es que si tenéis alguna duda sobre el contenido de la asignatura, preguntad a vuestr@ profesor@.

El Departamento de Geografía e Historia ha previsto, para aquellos alumnos de la ESO que no hubieran hecho la recuperación de la 2ª evaluación, la realización de un trabajo de recuperación que deberéis entregar a vuestro profesor para que valore si habéis recuperado. Vuestro profesor se pondrá en contacto con vosotros para explicaros en qué consiste el trabajo.

No debéis preocuparos si ya estáis trabajando; entendemos que casi tod@s estáis trabajando muy bien y que estáis aprendiendo muchas cosas.

¡Mucho ánimo para tod@s!

Departamento de Geografía e Historia del IES Luis García Berlanga, Coslada.

Examen extraordinario Geography and History 3ESO D

Fecha: 22 de junio 2020 Conéctate para comprobar que todo funciona y recibir instrucciones: 8:25 Examen: 8:30-10:00 Característic...