martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019


What do we have to know for exam 1:

- What is the United Nations, when and why it was created.
- The following regarding the UN Assembly:

  1. Procedure: Speeches-caucuses-lobbies-draft resolutions-resollutions
  2. Opening Speech
  3. Motion
  4. Moderated Caucus
  5. Unmoderated Caucus
  6. Placard
  7. Dias and name of its members
  8. Chair
  9. Resolution
  10. Sponsors
  11. Signatories
  12. Points of: personal privilege, point of order, point of information

- The areas of interest in Aristotle´s model of communication
- Mehrabian´s 7-38-55 rule
- Main areas of body language (4)

Preparing the opening speech for your delegation/country
You must prepare it bearing in mind if your country belongs to either the More Economically Developed Countries (MEDC) or the Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC)

You need to have a perspective for the country you are going to represent in the assembly.

What is the UN?

It´s your world

Behind the scenes of UN General Assembly


Some more

It wants to help students realize they are an important part of their world and the fundamental goals of our time. It´s a one life´s opportunity to learn how international relationships work.
On the way students improve their English language skills; students will learn about the history, structure, and procedures of the United Nations; they will surely learn how to get along and negotiate with others, how to debate, public speaking, empathy, teamwork and leadership. All this by simulating the real procedures undertaken in the United Nations, one of the most important organizations in the world.

Through examination of the Global Goals students will learn about the problems that our international community faces. More importantly they will learn how to solve such problems through cooperation and teamwork.

What will we have to do?

Students participating in the Global Classrooms project will have the chance to represent their school at the Global Classrooms Conference. Students from over eighty schools in the Comunidad de Madrid will meet at a conference in January to debate an  international problem that affects all countries. Students compete at these conferences to move on to the next round of the competition. Each school will send a group of ten students, which will be broken into five pairs of two students. Each pair will be assigned a country to represent. A successful student will work cooperatively with their peers to find a solution that is in the best interest of their country. 

Before the conference, students will research their assigned countries and the problems that they face. Students will then write a position paper outlining (explaining) the opinion of their assigned country on the international problem being addressed at the conference. This international issue will be announced in October.

Throughout the year students will work together to learn about the United Nations, it's member states, and skills to succeed at the conference.

We will hold a mock conference at our school in December. That will give us a clear understanding of the Conference procedure.

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